Monday, March 19, 2007

First post all about sports and games from ambler

My name's Alex, you will see me from now on as m8r. I'm sitting here with Mike who you will see from now on as mcbolger and we decided to start a blog. We read websites like and and realized, why don't we have a blog to top the crappy lists and shitty ideas from other blogs? top 10 lists suck,'s page 2 has gone straight down the toilet, and the funniest shit we've seen on the internet was our fantasy football message board, which was basically the lamest, most inside jokey blog of all time. and it was awesome. we'll be here taking out the inside jokes, adding in outside jokes, whatever they are, and making plenty of asinine, unresearched comments on the world of sports and video games such as "Bobby Abreu sucks, he is SO NOT CLUTCH" to "Super Mario 3 is the most innovative video game of all time." either of those 2 things true? to us, YES (maybe, sorta) that's why it's our blog. if we ever learn about how to get other people to write posts for the blog, the writers will multiply exponentially (at least by 2 or 3) We'll be back tomorrow. Who the fuck am i talking to now? nobody reads this yet
but they will

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