Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Y'know, I've defended Uncle Cholly for the past two seasons, basically on the premise that baseball managers don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. But I'm not so sure I can continue defending him after the completely, utterly ridiculous shift of Brett Myers to the bullpen. And after this quote --

"We think Myers will, over the course of the year, get in 65-70 games, probably. As a starter, it would be 35." --

Well, come on. That is idiotic. CHOLLY!!

1 comment:

mcbolger said...

well i think i would rather myers than leiber in the bp. i would also rather have myers than leiber starting. but i do agree with you charlie manuel must go. i kinda wish he had come to blows with howard eskin, that way both of them may have gotten fired.