Saturday, April 28, 2007

Its been a while...(Yes I am Bald and Fat but I'm not singing shitty pop hard rock)

Video Games: Well let me see, considering I don't buy any new games(that doesn't mean i don't buy games, just used 5 dollar ones because I still have only a PS2): I would like to let you all know that I just won my 3rd major in TW Golf 04 with a 44 under(St. Andrews)


Basketball: My buddy is a huge bulls fan/the biggest basketball fan I've ever met, so i am midly excited about the bulls on the verge of sweeping the heat. Of course by the heat, they mean all of the ben gay that is wafting off of their bodies whose collective age minus DWade is 2,341. Somehow the Nets are in the playoffs? Yeah, I think its time to restructure the Conferences. The East is BSHIT

Hockey: Flyers aren't playing so I don't really care. And since no one is allowed to hit in the regular season anymore ZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! Yeah I know, It takes alot of skill and athleticism to play hockey but i like it as much for the violence as i do for the finesse. What can I say, I'm a flyers fan? I had to watch the playoffs last year with a bunch of sabres fans(long story). Worst experince of my life.

Football: Wow, the draft's coming up. I'm real stoked for the season to start so i can either get excited about the eagles and then have McNabb take too hard of a shit and be out of the season by traning camp , or to watch the bears hold another team to 7 points and still lose because Rex Grossman will be 2 for 41 passing with 21 yards. Once the season starts I'm sure it will be awesome but i don't care until late august at the earliest.

Baseball: Can't watch the Phils actually play so the best i get is live boxscore. Has to be the worst way to follow baseball in the world-slugs fuck faster. I miss having cable.

Soccer: Its a good thing we have a growing Latino Population in the US, otherwise no one would watch that shit.

Professional Wrestling: This woman i work with loves the WWE. She goes to wrestle mania and everything. She's a 40 y/o AA woman who is a very nice lady except she smells like rotten pussy 4-5 days a week. So every time i think of Professional Wrestling, i can smell that, and I start to vomit in my mouth a little.

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